So ask yourself two important questions: What have you done in the last year? What do you plan to do in this next year?

It may not be enough to just answer the questions. Know the answers and keep them in mind. Now go to your public profiles and evaluate the content in the context of your answers. Update accordingly. Remember you want the content to reflect what you have accomplished and how you want to be perceived as you achieve your goals for 2011.
While this is a great time of year to take stock of one’s life, is a once a year update enough? Probably not, but it is the maximum amount of time you should allow your profiles to remain stagnant. And while you may think you are “on Facebook all the time” that is to post and share, not necessarily to update profile information or business fan page information. (Facebook may have given us all a gift with new personal profile formats toward 2010 year end. It was a great time to review and update as more of the information is immediately present to our friends.)
One last tip for the year - set a Google Alert for yourself and your business. This is an incredibly valuable way to be informed of an online presence you may not have been aware of. One can never be too careful…