Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Observing Differences

We drove into Dothan, Alabama today around 4 pm, after a 2 day, 24 hour haul. It went ok, Dan did all the driving, we kept the bad road food to a minimum, and I was navigator thanks to my iPhone. Now we are here, enjoying our time, and observing the differences.

In some ways Dan and I have similar backgrounds but split by a generation. He was raised in the south, and my mom was raised in the south - oh but of course not all the south is the same. I learned tonight that GA and AL have a rivalry the way ME and MA have a rivalry.

The differences I observed most tonight was the way Dan and I eat every night versus the way his family eats, but then this is similar to how my mom was raised and I remember meals at my grandparents. A similarity is that sitting down at the table as a family is important. A time to share a meal, talk about the day, tell old stories, laugh and enjoy.

The difference is the food itself. Please note I have learned to "farm" from Dan who grew up on a farm that put a majority of their food on the table. Even today we pulled into the drive, there are wonderful greens growing in the garden and goats roaming around free range. But tonight's dinner was an interesting mish mash of of starch, fried, and canned veggies. We had fried pork tenderloin, corn pudding, fried corn bread (oh, it was really good) that was friend in bacon grease stored in a can by the stove as it is collected from frying bacon, coleslaw, canned peas, and as an afterthought, actual green beans. Granted, I have to say the meal was delicious. But is was SO much food, so much starch, and so little nutrients. This is what I will be facing for the next few days on my southern adventure, now here in AL, then in the rivalry state of GA.

I look forward to tomorrow's meals and learning more from my southern in-law/adopted family.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Road Trip

Today is the beginning of my holiday travels. Dan and I arose at 3:15 am, car bound by 4:04 am heading to Dothan, Alabama for the start of our trip. I was in good shape overall to get out of town. I guess the good thing about this time of year is that everyone has their thoughts on the holidays, traditions, family, travel, and what will be under the tree.

At LHT we had an unusually busy beginning of the month. We were getting a lot of requests for appointments with new potential customers. It was great. It almost threw me into the panic of "how will I leave town" but by the end of last week it calmed down and I even convinced A2 now was the time to take some days. So I am now officially off until Jan 4 and she closes up our shop Wednesday night for her holiday fun. The important news is we get great times with our families and loved ones for the holidays but client work is in good shape and can easily be picked up on the 4th for a fun new year. I look forward to 2010. Truly.

In the mean while I am on a road trip with my husband. Did I tell you I hate car trips? I do. Can't stand them. I pleaded to fly to meet him, but he wanted my company (aw... sweet, right? no torture). But actually, with technology (yes I am a geek) today wasn't too bad. First, I downloaded a book, well 2, to my iPhone. Dan was sure he wouldn't want to listen to it, but I picked one he would want to hear. A Clive Cussler. Truly entertaining. Plus... my iPhone was constant entertainment on the "are we there yet" train. See image above! By going to my contact record for Dan's parents, I could easily activate the Google Map, click a button, as for directions, including a real time pin point of where we were, and how long until we get there. Very cool! Even at dinner, once parked in Salem, VA, we checked again, knowing we have 10 hours and 50 minutes to go to Dothan.

So while I have left work behind for now (well not really, checking and replying to emails from the hotel and the iPhone), I am taking technology with me.

Look for travel updates tomorrow and maybe a new Google Map!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays from LHT

I just got an early Christmas present. A long awaited one. In working with clients on Blogs (thanks Rachael) I have come across "The Design Girl". She is kind of a "jill of all design" trades when it comes to blog design. She does amazing stuff and for me, allowed LHT to offer Blog designs to its customers that match their website.

At first I felt we as designers should be able to update the blogs to a design that we came up with. But I have always worked under the impression that it is best to put time and money where the talent is. Danielle. the design girl, clearly has a process that allows her to deliver well designed blogs to the client's choosing. I hope to work with her on many more client blogs as I am very happy with what she has done to date for me, my clients and LHT.

Thursday, December 17, 2009



This is our doorway at 8:00 am on a 9 degree day.  I have to say I am not sure I have ever seen ice crystallize on our door.   While you can see the reflection of the Farnsworth Art Museum across the street what you cannot see, and I did not know was there, is that the ice has brought out letters from a previous tenant’s window stencil. 

Stay warm everyone! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Client Work and Blogs

I having been working with clients lately "longing to blog". The good news a Blog helps drive search engines to websites so Blog Away. Blogging is such an interesting forum. It allows you to be as formal or as informal as you like. You can share to the point of too much information (TMI) or you can blog professional advice. Either will draw followers if someone finds what you have to say pertinent or interesting.

I have struggled with blogs. When I first moved to Maine I started a blog as a way to share photos of my new life with Dan and Lola. I didn't want to clog up my friend's email boxes. Then came Facebook. The My Life in Maine blog was forgotten. Then my wise friend Emily turned me on to Tubmlr (sorry Blogger). It was cool, especially for sharing photos. I found a forum I enjoyed more than FB, it was pretty cool. But then inspiration came again from my client Rachael of Meandering Maine. I love her Blog. It is interesting and in complete support of her business. See you will love it, especially if you love Maine. This got me to thinking about our LHT website and blogging more professionally for it, so here is my LHT Blog. Now it is just thinking about the lines of personal versus business and what is appropriate. But this challenge and figuring this stuff out helps me with other clients. Allyson has set up her blog, please see and soon you will see one from Ed.

Blog on everyone. I want to know what you have to say, and so will others.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A New Client

CrateToPlateLogo So I recently wrote about “the worst client” and lo and hold it was me.  One of the projects I have been working on is called Crate to Plate.  This is a business developed with my husband, Dan, a Maine fisherman, to change the way he does business.  Lobster is a sought after commodity often under valued to the point of a fisherman not being able to afford to fish.  This season was slightly better than last but still not where the industry should be.

Taking cues from other leased trap models, incorporating my business experience, and utilizing talented designers we came up with Crate to PlateCrate to Plate allows  lobster lovers all over the US  to enjoy the freshest lobster they will ever have.  If you love lobster, pride yourself on being a locavore, not trusting the lobster in the grocery store tank, this program is for you.  You sign up for your own leased trap for a season, selecting your buoy location on Penobscot Bay via an interactive map, and watch as Dan catches lobsters and applies them to your lobster bank. 

We are off to a great start with a logo designed by Jessica Keteyian, a marketing piece and website designed by the other Amber, fact gathering and research by Lee Heffner, and overall lobster lore from Dan Cosby. 

Check out Crate to Plate today to see one of the many things LHT is up to. 

Friday, December 4, 2009