We are creatures of habit, and as such we often run on auto play. Take spring 2010 as an example. We are used to a spring that is cold and damp. Instead it got warm early and everything is in bloom weeks ahead of schedule. Regardless of the reality of the spring we have had scores of people have been heard to complain about the weather. They complain out of habit. It's something to say.
We talk about the economy in the same way we talk about the weather. It has been doom and gloom for two plus years. Instead of celebrating signs of recovery we fall into pattern and complain. We don't notice the number of houses that have sold recently or we prefer to view the sales as an anomaly. We stop looking for business opportunities. Once true and dire economic indicators have become rationalizations for inertia. Just as the forsythia has bloomed and the tulips have come and gone don't ignore the indicators that bode well for you and your business. Stop and listen to your own comments about the economy, your business and our Main Streets. Don't run on auto play. Seek out the upticks and take advantage of them. If you don't the season will soon be over and you will have missed it.
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