Sunday, May 9, 2010

Forty-eight hours in Rockland

The current issue of Maine magazine has a six page spread about Rockland. It highlights thirty-seven businesses around town. That’s impressive by anyone’s standards. It is another indication of the vibrancy of the mid-coast. The vibrancy is a year round trait, not one that is fueled only by tourists for a brief season. Yes, the businesses listed profit from tourists but a healthy business environment has to serve its residents as well as its visitors. The restaurants, shops and inns are open all year. The business owners are active members of the community. Many are members of the Downtown Alliance, most are chamber of commerce members.

A key factor to local success is collaboration. Take the historic inns as an example. They work together to plan events, offer promotions and set a standard of quality to ensure customer satisfaction. They do so without losing their own identity or uniqueness. When you see businesses in the community who offer comparable services to yours try to view these business owners as possible alliances who with you can better serve the community. Through collaboration you can work to raise the bar for your customer base and improve your contribution to the vibrancy that is the mid-coast.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Rockland is such a vibrant town.
